13 March, 2011

Saturday and Sunday - before and after pics

I took Tassie shopping with me in the morning. I had to first dash out to put the photos in for processing while she ate lunch, and when I returned she'd been in tears, sobbing that I'd forgotten her. I tried to reassure her that I'd had a plan but she wouldn't hear it! She was happy enough when we went though, and she was rewarded with a trip to the playground afterwards. At first she was disappointed to find no other kids there, but a little girl arrived whom she happened to know from kindy care.

It was such a perfectly sunny day that I had to take the kids outside for playtime, which was wonderful. Meantime, Ian was hard at work in the laundry most of the day battling with the ikea components of the new laundry.

This is the before very ugly and very disorganised laundry.

and here is the very beautiful after. My clever DH!

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