Too busy to take photos, can you believe?
First I called Centrelink to find out why on earth they cancelled our Carers Allowance payment. They believed I hadn't supplied them with ID papers. I checked my Project365 album from last year, and there was the photo of the Marion Cultural Centre, 17th December, proof of the day I went to Centrelink, waited AN HOUR, and showed them my ID papers and application paperwork. The girl on the phone simply would not believe I did it (obviously not followers of my blog), and didn't feel it necessary to at any stage send us a letter advising us of any of this.
Fifty minutes later, dear readers, I convinced them to reinstate my payment. Tick! But. I still have to go back and show them the paperwork again! I asked about the fact that as I had already taken this step, five months previously, what had happened to the copies of my ID papers? It's a bit of a worry, people. Not to mention taking Angus back and waiting for another hour (I found I can skip that next time and make an appointment).
The day got better. We organised Tasmin's mental health care plan to help address some of her "Sensory Integration" issues. Tick! Then I called a special ed school about the possibility of Angus enrolling for next year. Tick! And I spoke to someone at the Education Department about my problematic dealings with Tas's new kindy and they were very understanding. We agreed it would be okay to drop a session of kindy and replace it with a full day at childcare, in order to best meet Angus's and mine and well, Tasmin's needs. Tick!
Love crossing those nagging tasks off the list.
We're also finding out about disabled parking stickers - will get back to you on that one.