28 June, 2010

day 178 - sunday - Manda's baby shower

We held a little baby shower for Manda and Mike today.

There were mountains of cupcakes of course,

Mum arriving fashionably late,

and there were some beautiful new things for the baby...

manda couldn't get to them quick enough...

She seemed very pleased with it all..

As did Mike. He couldn't believe how tiny the hats and booties were...

This will be grandchild number three for Gandy.

Ian and I rather enjoyed sorting our old baby things into little bundles which we tagged by size, together with some new toys and other little bits and pieces...

Mike even found some new ear warmers for himself...

And Angie gave his approval for the baby's new things...

Tassie was on hand to help manda pack it all up.

Yes, I noticed too, they look a little overwhelmed, non?

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