01 June, 2010

day 149 - saturday - Letters to Jessie (oops a day early)

My Dad's sister Shirley so kindly lent me my grandfather, Frank Middleton Risk's letters sent to my grandmother during the Second World War. My husband carefully scanned them all in for me while I was recovering from a virus, and here there are, all presented in an album. I slipped the pages into 12" page protectors and used my sewing machine to sew seams to keep the letters in place.

He looks so much like my Dad! So handsome with an unmistakable twinkle in the eye ;-)

Each page is labelled with the place and date the letters were sent from. A little pocket has been left to the side which I may add the transcriptions to one day. Many of the letters are written in now-faded pencil and hard to read. For us, I plan to make photobooks from the scans and will try to regain some of the intimacy you lose by putting them in this enormous album!

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